Ron Hoffman, the owner of bliss restaurant on 25a in Stony Brook, delivered food to the Stony Brook Hospital on behalf of the Three Village Dads Foundation. The food was delivered specifically to the Transport Dept of the hospital. 3VDF was notified a few days ago that since the hospital has so many departments, Transport was being a little overlooked with the recent influx of food donations. However the 3VDF stepped up to make sure they were taken care of too!
This is has all been made possible because of the great community in which we live, stepping up and making donations to support these workers. Also the great business owners who are giving us great deals to get them food.

Three Village Dads Foundation made their 6th food donation to the employees of Stony Brook Hospital. Today’s food was delivered by The Bench (under new ownership) to the staff of the Emergency Department.
During a separate delivery today, the 3VDF delivered sodas and waters to the 11s floor in the hospital after a special request was made. They ask, we deliver!
All of this of course is only made possible because the community donations to our “Food for the Frontline” initiative. Thank you to everyone who has contributed!

The Three Village Dads Foundation continues to feed the amazing hospital workers at Stony Brook Medicine. Last night food was provided by Bagel Express for the night shift in the Emergency Department. This is all possible because of the amazing 3V community coming together and raising money for this great cause. We will continue to support the amazing brave workers on the frontlines of this Virus.